JC Stuff I did during 1997-1998

Class of '99 Variety Show
Yes, I have been to 3 times as many since graduating than I did while I was there. This one was OK, though the material has gone back to "normal" [that is, questionable]. Quite a few of the class of '96 were there.
Graduation '98
I forgot to update my experiences on Graduation. Well I remembered now so here they are. Graduation, as always, was the Sunday before memorial day. It did not rain, so it was held outside on the football field. John and I managed to get a decent, though probably illegal, parking space at the new playground. Anyway the ceremony was nice. Marie's Salutory speech was excellent [I might be a bit biased, but her speech was pretty good]. Some of the other speakers were a bit less memorable. One funny part was that they did not have enough chairs for the graduates and they had to run and quickly set up more. Diplomas were handed out pretty much without incident, though the class had extraneous beach balls that at one point hit some of the administration. The class did throw up their caps a bit too early and broke out the silly string before it was all over. Of course the picture on the cover of the Aegis was of someone preparing a beach ball, but that is to be expected. I also attended Joppatowne's graduation [for my sister] and the students were much better behaved. It might have been because it was inside, but they just acted more mature, which I found interesting. One thing to be thankful for about JC graduations though; no politicians. Apparently all the politicians in the world like to attend public school graduations I guess in the hope of getting more votes.

In any case this will be my last JC report for a while. Marie is off to Udel so I won't be at JC much at all anymore. My brother was thinking of going to JC but due to a lot of reasons, most notably the cancellation of the J-towne bus he will be attending Joppatowne as well. So my next report may not be until [horrors] the 5 year reunion, which scarily enough is only 3 years away.
Prom '98
Just back from a weekend which involved the Class of 1998's Prom. I had a really nice time there with Marie. The only thing lacking was that the lack of jumping people. I miss our prom, where the floor was heaving and the drinks pulsing as if a Jurassic Park dinosaur was tromping around. Marie and I did a 'jumping' dance for old time's sake.

The band was pretty good, the food was ok, the girls dresses were all pretty, etc. It rained, as always [at least for me]. The only other person there from '96 was Erin K. It was nice seeing people and some of the faculty.

The most memorable event, however, was when Mr. Scholl and his wife came onto the dance floor and started dancing up the storm. The potential for black mail was incredible, but no one seemed to have a camcorder.

Watch for a review of graduation soon, and after that there will be very few JC reviews, because I will have less reason to be there....

February Dance 1998
Hey, just back in from the JC Valentines Dance with Marie. Didn't think I'd make it home; work this semester has just been awful. But I was convinced by some friends, and I made it home. [Co-incidently the dance was on my birthday]. This was the first "casual" JC dance I had ever been to... it was fun. Especially cause I was with Marie. I miss the old dances, back when I knew everyone, or at least 1/4 the people. Now I am like twice as old as the freshmen, and I knew like maybe 5 people there [including chaperones]. In any case I had a nice time, and now I have to get back to doing Diffeq and Physics...
Tear in Fabric of Space-Time Happens Over JC
Tear in Space/Time
Continuum Outside JC
Late Thursday evening a rift in the fabric of space-time occurred over John Carroll's Academic wing. According to the Physics department, "This has absolutely nothing to do with ongoing development of our experimental mass-disruption ray. We feel the English Department is responsible this time".

Already 3 students have been accidentally sucked into the void when they strayed too close to the opening. As a result of this, gawking into the disruption has been made a senior privilege. This privilege was quickly rescinded due to "Unspecified Problems the administration has with the class of '98".

Although currently there seems to be no immediate risk of being sucked in, the school has quickly taken advantage of this occurrence. Dean of Trans-dimensional Rifts, one Gary Scholl, clarifies: "We are the only school in Harford County with such a spatial anomaly. This should increase our enrollment 10-fold."

A team of NASA scientists is studying the site. Watch for the results of their study within the next few weeks.

Christmas Dance/It's Academic Taping
Yes I got home once again. I am enjoying this because I probably won't go to JC at all once Marie Graduates.

The Christmas Dance was really nice. This wasn't my primary reason for going home, but it worked out well. I met Marie there, standing in the freezing cold. This wasn't one of those "Activity Night" things our class might remember not going to. This was a semi-formal thing where we had to wear sportscoats. I actually enjoyed the dance more than Homecoming. The DJ (yes a dj. I have heard rumors they want to have a DJ at prom) played better music. The crowd was actually about the size of Homecoming of years past [so many new freshman]. I really enjoyed myself. Again they had problems finding a clean-up crew. And then walking out to leave Marie's car had a flat tire. So I drove her and her sister home. But that was ok cause I got to spend more time w her. Interesting notes. They have lights on the trees in the courtyard! Oh well. And I knew I was out of my element when some people were talking about eyebrows and variety show. I just mentioned "remember Trapani", and like most people from my class can't think of Trapani and eyebrows w/o laughing my head off. But all the little seniors stared at me blank faced. That's when I knew I was overstaying my stay at JC.

The next day was It's Academic Taping. After 3 tapings of my own and also going last year things were routine. It is still neat hanging around Channel 13 though. Watching them brought back memories. Anyone wanting to see the episode (with me in the crowd) watch WJZ 13 on February 7th at 11AM. Sadly JC came in second, but it was a close exciting match. So I probably won't be going back for that either. Anyway again it was worth it to see Marie, but next year my visits to JC will become much less frequent ;)

Class of '98 Variety Show
Well went to the Variety Show. Not many from the class of 96 were there (maybe 6 or 7) but '97 made their presence known. Overall the performance we thought was a bit mediocre. [Of course nothing can compare with "Star Trek" or "Material Girl" or "Russian Exchange". Or even the brennen skit from last year. But there were some high points.

Obviously all the skits with Marie in them were Great ;) Also the "Girls" and the "Fat Boys" ones were very enjoyable. Same with the ones toward the end. The Jackson 5 and the one with the people smearing food all over them. Also the one with Kevin W. et all singing wasn't bad. Also the double-jointed girl in the "Stupid Human Tricks" segment was scary but oddly interesting. I'll risk ostracization though to say that the rest of the show was a bit so-so. Mainly I guess because I missed most of the inside jokes and had to have Marie explain most of it to me. I guess my class is old and this was all behind us. In any case I did have an enjoyable time regardless. I got to harass the old teachers and learn about all the new junk they've been doing at JC.

Briefly the things I learned. New additions to the dress code: "No dark colored bras on girls" and apparently they enforce a 3" rule above the knee on skirt size (apparently they check this with index cards). The handbook is enforced more than ever, and the senior privileges have been severely reduced. All parking is assigned. (Can we say parallel parking on the oval?). Basically I am glad I graduated when I did. How exciting is a school where all the girls have to wear white bras [duck as Marie smacks me].

Anyway sorry there have been no updated recently. Schoolwork is killing me. Hope this keeps you guys who frequent my page happy ;)

Homecoming 1997
Hi! Here's my official Homecoming report. Again, as in last year, I found things disturbing. Such as the new telephone out under the canopy. And the JC football team has like a 5-0 record. I find that enormously disturbing. I think they have won more times this year than the entire 4 years I was there. Maybe the change in league had something to do with it, but I dunno. So we won the game over Archbishop curley. People were parked out in the far lot to outer Mongolia. Marie parked in an odd spot and it took some doing to get her car free. It was a lot of fun though.

Next came the dance. Supper was fun. I saw mean lady. (we ate at the red fox) and I had this huge steak. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm. Anyway the dance was also vaguely disquieting. First the freshman class is 220, and I think they were all there. So picture the gym full of what looks like fancily dressed 12 year olds. Then have the stage at the wrong end with a DJ. Then picture all these people sorta standing around, no jumping. I guess I am an old timer, remembering fondly Crushing day and deranged rabbit-like hopping. Steve D. and Mree and I jumped for one song, but it just wasn't the same.

Afterwards Lizann, (Marie's sister) had volunteered to clean up so Marie and I helped out a bit too considering no one else was. Also it was cold outside. It was really a mess but things cleaned up. Then I was really tired and I drank a surge to stay awake, and I drove them home. Overall it was pretty cool.

JC Installs "Internet"
JC's official page has moved to (Apparently they don't have a fancy name like jc.school.md.us or anything yet). My sources reveal that this page is run off a computer actually located on JC property, on an (I'm assuming here) intel box running NT 4.0 and Microsoft-IIS/3.0. Since Microsoft products in general have many security problems [I always prefer Linux, a much stabler, freer, anti-MS, un JC-Like Operating System], anyway like I was saying it should be interesting to see how long it takes before the page is "compromised" [Disclaimer... I am not actively trying to destroy the site, though people may find that hard to believe].

The only thing about the site that could cause problems is the new "alumni update" page. While it seems like a good idea to allow alumni to easily update their status, it is also easy for someone to whip out an old yearbook and change all their enemy's mailing addresses, costing JC a ton in returned mail. But I suppose the JC people know what they are doing, and someone is learning a little Forms/CGI programming at least.

Anyway good try JC! My only suggestion is to dump the multi-hundred dollar Windows NT operating system, move to the free Linux OS, and spend the extra money saved on upgrading the web-server.

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