Spring 2008 - Easter

Easter came very early this year, the earliest any of us alive now are likely to see it.

Kristina's family came to visit, and we had various adventures. They brought strawberries, including this huge mutant one (hot cross buns and cellphone for scale):
mega strawberry

Tradition dictates that we make toothling pasta for Easter, so that's what we did:

The weather was relatively nice, so we went for a walk at the Ellis Hollow Nature Preserve. It is still late March at this point, so you'll notice there was still snow in shady areas. Here is a waterfall we saw:
ellis hollow falls

There are a lot of steep hills here, and some of the paths were solid ice. I took this picture, and then got yelled at for taking pictures instead of helping people not slide down the hill:
steep icy hill

Here's a map of our walk:
ellis hollow trail

Later we dyed Easter eggs!
Easter Eggs

I made one that looked like our guinea pig:
Butterfinger Guinea Pig Easter Egg

And sadly soon Easter was over, and Kristina's family had to go, leaving behind piles and piles of chocolate.
More Pictures from Spring 2008