VMW Chiptune Demo FAQ

  1. Your video says the demo only uses 48k of RAM but that's clearly an Apple IIe platinum with 128k of RAM.

    Yes, but I'm not using anything above 48k, so in theory this would run on an Apple II back in 1977 if you had been rich enough to afford that many DRAM chips. And built a Mockingboard card from scratch as they weren't around until 1981.

  2. Why do you target your code for such an ancient and low-featured Apple II?

    So I can troll Commodore 64 users :)

  3. But you're using lowercase characters!

    Yes, that will look pretty bad on an actual original Apple II. I was too lazy to override the title/author info for all of the .ym5 files.

  4. Did you write any of the music?

    No. Believe me that's for the best.

  5. Why is the sound in the video off at times?

    I wish it sounded better. The Mockingboard output also sounds a bit poor when run through the speakers in the flatpanel display. I currently don't have any other speakers conveient to try out.

    It sounds great in the MESS emulator and the ym5 files sound normal when played on my Raspberry Pi chiptune player.

  6. I see you did a PR#5 to boot your program. Obviously fake!

    I have a CFFA3000 card controlling Slots 6 / 7, so my DISK II controller is in slot 5.

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